Puddle Studios, an innovative indie game development studio based in Florida, is creating waves in the gaming world with its latest commercial release,
Forgotten God. Known for their commitment to unique storytelling and immersive gameplay, Puddle Studios combines artistry and technology to deliver
captivating experiences for gamers of all kinds. Forgotten God promises a compelling journey through an ancient, mystical world where players uncover secrets,
face challenging puzzles, and explore richly detailed environments. With this new release, Puddle Studios aims to solidify its position as a top indie studio,
making Florida a notable destination in the global gaming industry. Keep an eye out for Forgotten God—a game that captures the essence of indie creativity and adventure!
Puddle Studios is a solo indie dev studio founded by Puddle (Rowan Byington), Puddle started
developing games in 2020, and specializes in digital art and programming, having developed multiple
games fully solo, With his most recent project "Forgotten God" planned to be his first commercial
Forgotten god is a procedurally generated rougelike about an acolyte searching for their
Planned to be their first commercial release, Forgotten god will be a continuation of
the "Labyrinth" demo. This continuation brings many new features, such as, procedural level
generation, Spell leveling systems, shops, accesories and many more. Entering early access in Q1